What is Naturopathy
WONM Graduate University Asia-Japan Campus
Naturopathic medicine is a generic term for a range of traditional and bad therapies that have spread from Greece to the West, from Ayurvedic medicine in India, through Tibetan and Chinese medicine, to Unani medicine in the Middle East and onwards, culminating in Greece. It is a system of medicine with a deep history of traditional life views and practices, medically trained practising naturopaths and naturopathic doctors and natural treatment options offered to patients. However, modern medicine of the last 100-120 years or so has been a symptomatic (allopathic) therapy, a therapy that was dangerous in Greek times (it did not even have a name as a user of dangerous drugs). Allopathy, which did not even have a name in 1810, became a symptomatic therapy named by legitimate medical practitioners with contempt (it became a counter-indicative therapy, inducing the opposite symptoms). The Rockefellers took over and tried to sell oil as medicine as Rockefeller medicine and a new revival and modern medicine (or Western medicine) was born with a threshold as a therapy to give the opposite of the symptoms. It also eradicated other therapies by the Flexna--Report in order to monopolise medicine. However, the development of medicines with human experimentation (with a financial aspect that costs a lot). Also, the word medical was derived from the Latin medicus, known as a poisoner and medicon, a poisoner. The current situation is a sort of inevitable consequence. This allopathy of modern medicine has already reached a ratio of 4↓ to 6↑ and 5↓ to 5↑ in the world. In Japan, however, 99% of the cases are related to this therapy. All diseases are postponed, and medical care is increasing, but not decreasing. Japan is the only country in the world with an abnormally high rate of medical occupancy, with 5-10 times the number of beds per head of population than in Europe or the USA.
Japan needs to break out of this pattern soon, or there will be no future for the sick and the future will be full of people who are sick only for the present, only for money, and only with bogus, self-serving measures. A country that cannot reform itself is not a sufficient condition for a country. Incidentally, Japan's healthy life expectancy is 72 years for men and 75 years for women, which is below the middle of the scale. It is a rare region in the world with a declining population and falling birth rate.

A lot of new diseases have appeared!
The same thing will happen in the 21st century.

Reference information that no one says (modern medicine is rock medicine)
Rockefeller bogus medicine Japanese version
(Because the link destination has been deleted. Changed)
English version
Additional 200 trillion yen in 2020, 2021, 2022
Need anything other than first aid?
You have no time to live with the delusion of authority. How long will you be made to accept the bogus?
In the world, we are in an era where all things will have to change.
Welcome to natural medicine therapy for harmless and radical healing.


From the World Naturopathic Federation
History of Naturopathic & Natural Medicine
Naturopathy: Naturopathy has been practiced in parts of Germany for centuries as a form of natural medicine, dating back to BC Greek times. Many of the principles and philosophies of naturopathic medicine originated in Germany and Europe in the 16th and 17th centuries. Pre-1900 NaturopathsNaturopaths were trained by European naturopathic physicians from around the world who use hydrotherapy, herbal medicine, and other traditional healing techniques. Currently, European countries consider naturopathic practices as health care, as a medical system evolved by incorporating naturopathic therapeutic principles, theories, styles, and traditions codified in North America into the traditional medicine of each country. Traditional forms and practices of naturopathic medicine are common in Europe.
North America is considered the home of modern naturopathy or Naturopathic medicine. Most schools in North America are government accredited and all regions within North America are either regulated or licensed (50% of Canadian provinces and 38% of all US states/territories are regulated). are available). Naturopathic medicine There are strong national and regional Naturopathic associations Naturopathic medicine organizations, ongoing Naturopathic naturopathic research, professional groups and journals to support the practice of Naturopathic medicine. North America is credited with codifying the principles of naturopathic medicine and contributing to some of the established theories and practices now in use around the world.
When naturopaths/naturopaths trained in North America and Europe moved and developed their skills, naturopathic therapies are being introduced into the country. It integrates training in Europe and North America with its own system of traditional medicine. For example, Naturopathy was introduced to India after being trained by European naturopaths. Respondents from Southeast Asia said they were originally trained in the United States.
The World Naturopathic Federation is currently conducting a research project to clarify and systematize the historical basis of naturopathic medicine around the world.

Naturopathic Principles
Naturopathic medicine Although the principles and practices of naturopathic medicine have been widely debated historically, the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians (AANP) formed a committee of naturopathic physicians Pamela Snider, Jared Zeff, and others in 1986. Until the year . These practitioners spent more than three years reviewing historical data and documents and interviewing over 1,000 people. In 1989, a definition of naturopathic medicine and a description of the six principles of naturopathic medicine were formally codified by two American Naturopathic Physicians (AANP) and the Canadian Association of Naturopathic Physicians (CAND). )) was accepted by Based on the 2014 Global Naturopathic Naturopathic Medicine Workforce Survey, these principles appear to have international recognition and acceptance.
Naturopathic principles taught in most countries include:
First, do no harm (primum non nocere)
The healing power of nature (vis medicatrixnaturae)
treat the cause (tollecausam)
cure the whole person (tolletotum)
Naturopath as Teacher, Doctor of Naturopathy (docere)
Disease prevention and health promotion
Wellness (healthy life)
Naturopathic Theories
There are numerous naturopathic therapeutic theories practiced around the world:
body fluid theory
treatment order
Theory of Complex Systems
Naturopathic Modalities
Naturopathic modalities or treatments used around the world vary from country to country. Some of the most common Naturopathic naturopathic modalities are:
clinical nutrition
Herbal Medicine (Herbalism)
homeopathic medicine
: healing therapy
replacement therapy
Biomolecular approach
modern plant therapy
patient relief relationship
physical medicine
Hydrotherapy - Hydrotherapy
Prevention and lifestyle counseling
sanitary therapy
nature cure
Some naturopathic naturopathic physicians have additional training in other naturopathic medicines, such as:
ayurvedic medicine
prescription rights
IV therapy
chelation therapy
minor surgery
Colon therapy (intestinal cleansing)

Naturopath / Naturopathic Doctor Q&A
Naturopathic naturopathic medicine has been a recognized profession for over a century and is now practiced in over 100 countries. WNF recognizes the global diversity of the naturopathic profession in relation to educational accreditation standards and political recognition around the world. WNF respects professional diversity and encourages professional collaboration at all levels.
The terminology used in naturopathic naturopathic medicine is strongly influenced by the political and regulatory situation of each country, as well as the history and development of the naturopathic medicine profession in a given country. In many countries, practitioners of naturopathic medicine are called naturopaths and practitioners are called naturopaths. However, in countries where the practice of naturopathic medicine is generally highly regulated and highly educated, practitioners are called Naturopathic Doctors. The following Q&A is designed to clarify two of the main titles used within the profession: Naturopath and Naturopathic doctor.
Below is how the terms Practitioner "Naturopath" and "Naturopathic Doctor" are translated around the world.
● Naturopath – Naturópata, licenciado en Naturopatia, Naturópata Licenciado, Heilpraktiker,
Naturheilpraktiker, Naturopathe, Naturopata, Naturista, Educateur de santé Naturopathe or Praticien de santé Naturopathe, Naturopatijo, Naturopaat, Naturopat, Naturopaatti
Luonnonparantaja, Φυσικοπαθητικός, HP, N.L.
● Naturopathic Doctor – Naturopathic Physician, Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine, Doctor
Naturopático, Doctor en Naturopatía, Naturópata con Doctorado, ND, DNM.
Q1: What is the main difference between Naturopath and Naturopathic doctor?
A1: The term "Naturopath" is the original term used to describe professionals in the field of Naturopathic Medicine. . The term "naturopathic physician" is commonly used in some parts of the world. naturopathic medicine physicians who have completed a broader naturopathic medicine education program with a Ph.D. and regions recognized for the title of "naturopathic physician"; It is important to note that the terms "naturopathic physician" and/or "naturopathic therapy" do not exist or cannot be used due to regulations in some parts of the world. Japan is included in some of these countries.
Some countries also have extensive naturopathic education programs, but the title used is Naturopath.
Unfortunately, Japan does not have the basics and basics of natural medicine therapy. therefore,
Currently, the Japanese Society of Naturopathic Medicine has officially joined WNF.

WHO: At the 74th World Health Assembly (WHA),
World Health Organization: World Health Assembly
For the first time in a WHA document, patient-centred universal health care
Natural medicine remedies were directly included as requirements on the agenda.
Is it really good as it is now?
Advice from female naturopaths around the world